Abstract's details

Climate impacts on the island of Puerto Rico

Fernando Pabón Rico (Caribbean Center for Rising Seas, Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust, Puerto Rico)

Event: 2023 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: OSTST Opening Plenary Session

Presentation type: Keynote/invited

Fernando Pabón Rico is the Program Director of the Caribbean Center for Rising Seas https://prsciencetrust.org/ccrs/, which is part of the Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust, based in San Juan.
He will talk about climate issues that the island of Puerto Rico is facing, especially sea level rise.

Contribution: OPE2023-Climate_impacts_on_the_island_of_Puerto_Rico.pdf (pdf, 13357 ko)

Corresponding author:

Fernando Pabón Rico

Caribbean Center for Rising Seas, Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust

Puerto Rico


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