Abstract's details

New technological development for CAL/VAL activities

MICHEL Calzas (CNRS, France)

Cedric Brachet (CNRS, France); Christine Drezen (CNRS, France); Lionel Fichen (CNRS, France); Christophe Guillerm (CNRS, France); Antoine Guillot (CNRS, France); Laurent Testut (LEGOS/LIENSs, France); Pascal Bonnefond (OCA/GEOAZUR, France)

Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record

Presentation type: Poster

Absolute Calibration of satellite altimetry needs an in situ network of instruments (sea level gauge, GPS buoy, towed GPS system) of high precision and accuracy. Technical Division of INSU (CNRS) has developped a set of high precision instruments in order to help cal/val activities. These developpements were done in the frame of the French Observation Service ROSAME tide gauge network and in the frame of the FOAM CAL/VAL project. This poster will present some of these developpments and in particular results from the new towed GPS system (CalNaGeo) which aim to resolve the long standing problem of monitoring the GPS antenna height above sea level in mobile GPS system.

Contribution: poster_nivmer_dtinsu.pdf (pdf, 1842 ko)

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