Abstract's details
The development of a novel tidal analysis package and its application to surface currents
Event: 2020 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting (virtual)
Session: Tides, internal tides and high-frequency processes
Presentation type: Type Forum only
Contribution: PDF file
A novel tidal analysis package (red_tide) has been developed to characterize low-amplitude non-stationary tidal energy and dominant tidal peaks in noisy, irregularly sampled, or gap-prone time series. Using Bayesian maximum a posteriori estimation assuming Gaussian linear statistics, we recover tidal information by expanding conventional harmonic analysis to include prior information and assumptions about the statistics of a process, such as the assumption of a red spectral background. We utilize a hierarchy of test cases, including synthetic data and observations, to evaluate this method and its relevance to analysis of model output and observational data with a tidal component and an energetic non-tidal background. Analysis of coastal radar data follows, revealing characteristics of stationary and non-stationary tides in surface current observations.