Abstract's details
Salient Results: “Studies of Ocean Surface Tides and Internal Tides with Satellite Altimetry”
Event: 2020 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting (virtual)
Session: Salient results from the 2017-2020 OSTST PIs
Presentation type: Forum only
Salient results from the project, “Studies of Ocean Surface Tides and Internal Tides with Satellite Altimetry”, are provided for Josh Willis' summary presentation.
Our project has contributed models of the ocean surface and internal tides to the Science Team, and these are being used to remove aliased tidal SSH from altimeter observations and other geodetic data. We have also conducted fundamental research using altimetry and other data sources to learn about non-phase-locked baroclinic tides, ocean normal modes, coastal sea level, tidal prediction, and other topics. Our collaborations with numerical modelers are contributing to assessments of model realism and insights into ocean dynamics.
Our project has contributed models of the ocean surface and internal tides to the Science Team, and these are being used to remove aliased tidal SSH from altimeter observations and other geodetic data. We have also conducted fundamental research using altimetry and other data sources to learn about non-phase-locked baroclinic tides, ocean normal modes, coastal sea level, tidal prediction, and other topics. Our collaborations with numerical modelers are contributing to assessments of model realism and insights into ocean dynamics.
Contribution: RayEgbertZaron.pdf (pdf, 1609 ko)
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