Abstract's details

Aviso+ products & services: what's new?

Vinca Rosmorduc (CLS, France)


Florence Birol (CTOH/Legos, France); Emilie Bronner (Cnes, France); Caroline Maheu (Akka, France); Françoise Mertz (CLS, France); Laurent Soudarin (CLS, France)

Event: 2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services

Presentation type: Type Poster

Contribution: PDF file


Since the launch of Topex/Poseidon, more than 24 years ago, satellite altimetry has evolved in parallel with the user community and oceanography. As a result of this evolution, we now have:
- A bigger choice of products, more and more easy-to-use, spanning complete GDRs to pre-computed sea level anomalies and gridded datasets and indicators such as MSL index or ENSO index.
- a mature approach, combining altimetric data from various satellites and merging data acquired using different observation techniques, including altimetry, to give us a global view of the ocean;

Different services are available either to choose between the various datasets, or to download, extract or even visualize the data. 2015 - 2016 saw several changes which will be detailed in the poster. In the future, we will develop even more the ice, coastal and hydrology thematics on the web.

Poster show times:

Room Start Date End Date
Grande Halle Thu, Nov 03 2016,11:00 Thu, Nov 03 2016,18:00
Vinca Rosmorduc