Abstract's details
Jason-2, Saral/AltiKa and CryoSat-2 POD status
Event: 2015 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Precision Orbit Determination
Presentation type: Oral
This talk focuses on the main altimetry missions currently on orbit. The reference OSTM/Jason-2 satellite (launched in 2008) extends the time series of centimeter-level ocean topography observations begun in 1992 by Topex/Poseidon mission and continued in 2001 by the Jason-1 mission. Saral/AltiKa (launched in 2013) is the first mission to use Ka-band altimeter, and Cryosat2 (launched in 2010) is an ESA mission studying the thickness of the vast ice sheets that overlie Greenland and Antarctica.
These missions have been reprocessed with the new GDR (version E) Precision Orbit Determination standards.
This talk will address the issues of accuracy and long-term stability of Jason-2, Saral/AltiKa and Cryosat2 GDR-E orbit solutions. The overall accuracy of the orbits is evaluated through data and parameterization techniques; in particular long-term variations of the impact of the time-varying gravity field. We will also give an overview of the performance of SLR tracking systems. We will try to understand and investigate the origin of the apparent bias of the core-network stations.
These missions have been reprocessed with the new GDR (version E) Precision Orbit Determination standards.
This talk will address the issues of accuracy and long-term stability of Jason-2, Saral/AltiKa and Cryosat2 GDR-E orbit solutions. The overall accuracy of the orbits is evaluated through data and parameterization techniques; in particular long-term variations of the impact of the time-varying gravity field. We will also give an overview of the performance of SLR tracking systems. We will try to understand and investigate the origin of the apparent bias of the core-network stations.
Contribution: POD-01-Jalabert.pdf (pdf, 1530 ko)
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