Abstract's details

An ESA absolute and permanent site with a transponder for the altimeter calibration of Sentinel-3, Cryosat-2, and Jason-3 in West Crete, Greece

Stelios Mertikas (Technical University of Crete, Greece)

Constantine Mavrocordatos (ESTEC\\\\European Space Agency, Netherlands); Craig Donlon (ESTEC\\European Space Agency, The Netherlands); Pierre Féménias (ESRIN/European Space Agency, Italy); Tommaso Parrinelo (ESTEC\\European Space Agency, Netherlands)

Event: 2015 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record

Presentation type: Poster

A new calibration site at a cross-over point of the tracks of multiple missions (Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B, Jason series, SARAL/AltiKa, etc.) has been established in West Crete, Greece. This research infrastructure has been already established and is operational with a microwave transponder. It aims at monitoring and controlling, in an absolute sense, satellite altimetry measurements and results by (1) continuously keeping track of their quality, biases, errors and drifts and (2) by establishing an absolute reference of altimetry on a common and reliable standard for settling relations among different, as well as on ascending and descending orbits, at the same location and settings. This external calibration site, called CDN1, will act as a monitoring service, mainly, for the Sentinel-3 satellite missions. In this work, successful responses of the transponder as well as calibration results for the Cryosat-2 will be presented

Contribution: OSTST_Mertikas_Reston_2015-2.pdf (pdf, 618 ko)

Corresponding author:

Stelios Mertikas

Technical University of Crete



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