Abstract's details
Comparison of sea-surface heights from altimetry and GNSS kinematic data offshore Vanuatu
Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record
Presentation type: Poster
In Vanuatu, two seamounts equipped with seafloor pressure gauges are located at the cross over points of altimetry satellite ground-tracks. One of the seamount (on the Australian plate) is located at the cross-over point of tracks 303 and 374 of ERS/Envisat/Altika altimetry missions and the second one (on the North Fidji Basin) is located at the cross-over point of Topex-Poseidon/Jason1/Jason2 track 238 of the nominal mission and track 199 of the interlaced mission. During four field campaigns, we have collected GNSS data on buoys anchored above the pressure gauges, as well as on the R/V Alis while in motion or anchored.
In this presentation, we will show the comparison of sea-surface heights derived from altimetry data with sea-surface heights computed from GNSS data processed in kinematic mode using a variety of processing technics. The processing methods include double difference mode using the Track module of GAMIT/GLOBK suite as well as RTKLIB software and PPP mode using CNES GINS program (with and without Integer ambiguity fixing), RTKLIB and GIPSY/OASIS processing software.
In this presentation, we will show the comparison of sea-surface heights derived from altimetry data with sea-surface heights computed from GNSS data processed in kinematic mode using a variety of processing technics. The processing methods include double difference mode using the Track module of GAMIT/GLOBK suite as well as RTKLIB software and PPP mode using CNES GINS program (with and without Integer ambiguity fixing), RTKLIB and GIPSY/OASIS processing software.

Contribution: poster0STST_VB_newformat.pdf (pdf, 9652 ko)
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