Abstract's details

Near-Real Time monitoring of Water Surface Height for inland waters

Lionel Zawadzki (CLS, France)

Jean-François Crétaux (LEGOS/CNES, France); Philippe Pacholczyk (CNES, France); Nicolas Taburet (CLS, France); Maxime Vayre (CLS, France); Rémi Jugier (CLS, France); Adrien Paris (CLS, France)

Event: 2018 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Application development for Operations

Presentation type: Oral

With the increasing demography, inland water is a more and more pressured resource for the population needs as well as a societal risk for local populations. It is also a fundamental element for industry and agriculture, therefore becoming an economic and political stake. The Near-Real Time (NRT) monitoring of rivers and lakes surface height with altimetry provides a powerful proxy to estimate the freshwater stocks, conditions of navigability on inland waterways, discharge, flood prevention …etc
The altimetry constellation allows a massive live and historical access to a wide network of information over lakes and rivers. Hysope is a robust NRT Water Surface Height (WSH) production line designed by LEGOS, funded by CNES, maintained and operated by CLS in the frames of the THEIA/Hydroweb and Copernicus Global Land services. It currently (May 2018) retrieves WSH based on Jason-3 and Sentinel-3 altimetry measurements over 64 lakes and reservoirs and 248 river stations worldwide.

Contribution: OSTST2018_ApplicationNRT_Hydro_LiZ.pdf (pdf, 2583 ko)

Corresponding author:

Lionel Zawadzki




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