Abstract's details

Impacts of GIA Modeling Uncertainties on the Closure of the GMSL Budget

Ashley Bellas (University of Colorado, United States)

Robert Steven Nerem (University of Colorado, United States)

Event: 2023 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Synergies between Argo, GRACE and Altimetry

Presentation type: Oral

The closure of the global mean sea level (GMSL) budget can be impacted significantly by errors in modeling Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA). GIA affects both the altimeter estimates of global mean sea level as well as the ocean mass estimates from GRACE/GRACE-FO. We examine the sensitivity of the GMSL closure to choices made in modeling GIA. As an example, relatively small changes in the Earth model used in the GIA modeling can have significant impacts on the GMSL closure between GMSL (altimetry), ocean mass (GRACE), and thermosteric sea level change (Argo). We will summarize these differences and suggest avenues for future research.

Contribution: ARG2023-Impacts_of_GIA_Modeling_Uncertainties_on_the_Closure_of_the_GMSL_Budget.pdf (pdf, 8245 ko)

Corresponding author:

Ashley Bellas

University of Colorado

United States


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