Abstract's details

Evolution of Regional Sea Level Trends During Satellite Altimeter Era

Benjamin Hamlington (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States)

Se-Hyeon Cheon (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States); Christopher Piecuch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, United States); Philip Thompson (University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States)

Event: 2022 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Science I: Climate data records for understanding the causes of global and regional sea level variability and change

Presentation type: Poster

Since 1993, satellite altimeters have measured sea level with high accuracy. In contrast to tide gauges, altimeters have provided continuous observations of sea level with near-global coverage. These measurements have led to accurate estimates of the rate of global mean sea level (GMSL) rise and a clear indication of the regional deviations from this rate. Recent studies have found a statistically significant increase in the rate of GMSL rise and there are indications that the anthropogenic, or forced, pattern of sea-level rise is emerging from the internal variability. Building off of this and considering the consistent acceleration on global scales since 1970 discussed in a number of recent studies, the satellite altimetry data provides an opportunity to assess the near-term trajectory of sea-level rise. Here, we discuss the evolution of the altimeter-measured regional sea-level trends in recent years and determine the extent to which current trends are informative of the longer-term trajectory of sea-level rise. Comparisons are also made to model-based projections from recent consensus reports, demonstrating how satellite altimeter observations can be used in tandem with models to improve our assessment of future sea-level change.

Corresponding author:

Benjamin Hamlington

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

United States


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