Abstract's details

Accessing Sentinel-6 and Sentinel-3 altimetry data through EUMETSAT big data services

Ben Loveday (Innoflair UG, Germany)

Aida Alvera-Azcárate (GHER, University of Liege, Belgium); Vittorio Brando (CNR ISMAR, Italy); Ana Ruescas (Brockmann Consult GmbH / Universitat de València, Germany / Spain); Vinca Rosmorduc (CLS, France); Hayley Evers-King (EUMETSAT, Germany); Christine Träger-Chatterjee (EUMETSAT, Germany)

Event: 2022 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services

Presentation type: Poster

As the size and complexity of the Earth observation data catalogue grows, the ways in which we interface with it must adapt to accommodate the needs of end users, both research-focussed and operational. Consequently, since 2020 EUMETSAT have introduced a suite of new data services to improve the ability of users to view, access and customise the Earth observation data catalogue they provide. These services, which are now operational, offer both GUI- and API- based services and allow fine grained control over how users interact both with products, and the collections they reside in. They include, i) the new implementation of the EUMETView online mapping service (OMS), ii) the EUMETSAT Data Store for data browsing, searching, downloading and subscription, and iii) the Data Tailor Web Service and standalone tool for online and local customisation of products.

From early 2022, these services will also support the dissemination of the EUMETSAT Copernicus Marine Data Stream, including the Level-1 and Level-2 altimetry products from both the Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-6 missions at both near real-time and non-time-critical latency.

Here, we give an overview of the capability of these data services, with examples of how to use them via web interfaces and, in an automated fashion via APIs. These examples will focus on interaction with the Copernicus marine products provided by EUMETSAT. In addition, we will outline the tools and resources that are available to assist users in incorporating these services into their workflows and applications. These include online user guides, python libraries and command line approaches to facilitate data access, and a suite of self-paced training resources and courses. This poster presentation will include demonstrations of the services, information on plans and schedules for the inclusion of future data streams, and the opportunity for new and experienced users to ask questions and give feedback.

Contribution: ODS2022-Accessing_Sentinel-6_and_Sentinel-3_altimetry_data_through_EUMETSAT_big_data_services.pdf (pdf, 2401 ko)

Corresponding author:

Ben Loveday

Innoflair UG



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