Abstract's details
The Plastic Islands in the Atlantic Ocean
Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: OSTST Closing Plenary Session
Presentation type: Keynote/invited
The Scientific workshop of our Middle School has been working since several years on the plastic waste in our oceans. This work has been done in collaboration with the CNES, through the ARGONAUTICA educational project which provide us the trajectories of satellite tracked drifters. These buoys are likely to follow the same route as the plastic waste. The analyze of their trajectories helped us to find the main sites of aggregation of marine debris and allowed us to help Patrick Deixonne the skipper of the Expedition 7° Continent to find his route for his local investigations.
To model the physical principles (Coriolis, Ekman...) responsible of this aggregation, we built experiences and developed a game which will also be presented.
To model the physical principles (Coriolis, Ekman...) responsible of this aggregation, we built experiences and developed a game which will also be presented.
Contribution: 31Ball1100-5_Presentation_Constance_oct_2014.pdf (pdf, 6211 ko)
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