Abstract's details
Haiyang-2D data assessment and performance for potential assimilation into DUACS and CMEMS products
Event: 2023 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record
Presentation type: Forum only
Haiyang-2D data assessment and performance for potential assimilation into DUACS and CMEMS products
The HaiYang-2D (HY-2D) mission has been launched in May 2021 by the China National Space Administration (CNSA). HY-2D is the fourth unit of the HaiYang-2 altimetry Program with similar orbital and instrumental characteristics to HY-2C. Few more units E to H are planned for the future.
The National Satellite Ocean Application Service (NSOAS) is responsible for the ground segment processing system as well as distributing collected data and HY-2 Level 2 products. The French contribution performed by the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) on this project mainly consists in supplying the orbit, computed from DORIS, GPS and laser measurements.
The past assessments of HY-2B and HY-2C units showed excellent performances [1][2][3][4] that today benefit to the CMEMS Sea Level and Wind&Waves products. This paper aims at presenting the HY-2D data quality and performances over open ocean at global scales. The assessment has been performed by comparison with the reference mission Sentinel-6 and with other altimeters such as Jason-3, Haiyang-2B/C . Performance and stability of the satellite are studied through mono and multi-mission crossover diagnostics and temporal monitoring of several variables such as sea level anomaly, wet tropospheric correction, and significant wave height.
Results obtained show promising data quality, in agreement with the previous HY-2B and HY-2C satellites and making HY-2D a good candidate for a potential integration in the multi-mission’s products.
[1] Philip et al. “ Feed-back and contribution after several years of Haiyang-2B data availability” OSTST conference 2022
[2] Philip et al. ” Haiyang-2C data assessment, performance and contribution to DUACS Sea Level "Anomaly products” OSTST conference 2022
[3] Faugère et al. “The 2022 Honga Tonga Tsunami monitored by satellite altimetry and SAR” OSTST conference 2022
[4] Philip et al.” Hy-2B in DUACS : feedback on performances and contribution to multi-mission products” OSTST conference 2020
The HaiYang-2D (HY-2D) mission has been launched in May 2021 by the China National Space Administration (CNSA). HY-2D is the fourth unit of the HaiYang-2 altimetry Program with similar orbital and instrumental characteristics to HY-2C. Few more units E to H are planned for the future.
The National Satellite Ocean Application Service (NSOAS) is responsible for the ground segment processing system as well as distributing collected data and HY-2 Level 2 products. The French contribution performed by the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) on this project mainly consists in supplying the orbit, computed from DORIS, GPS and laser measurements.
The past assessments of HY-2B and HY-2C units showed excellent performances [1][2][3][4] that today benefit to the CMEMS Sea Level and Wind&Waves products. This paper aims at presenting the HY-2D data quality and performances over open ocean at global scales. The assessment has been performed by comparison with the reference mission Sentinel-6 and with other altimeters such as Jason-3, Haiyang-2B/C . Performance and stability of the satellite are studied through mono and multi-mission crossover diagnostics and temporal monitoring of several variables such as sea level anomaly, wet tropospheric correction, and significant wave height.
Results obtained show promising data quality, in agreement with the previous HY-2B and HY-2C satellites and making HY-2D a good candidate for a potential integration in the multi-mission’s products.
[1] Philip et al. “ Feed-back and contribution after several years of Haiyang-2B data availability” OSTST conference 2022
[2] Philip et al. ” Haiyang-2C data assessment, performance and contribution to DUACS Sea Level "Anomaly products” OSTST conference 2022
[3] Faugère et al. “The 2022 Honga Tonga Tsunami monitored by satellite altimetry and SAR” OSTST conference 2022
[4] Philip et al.” Hy-2B in DUACS : feedback on performances and contribution to multi-mission products” OSTST conference 2020
Contribution: CVL2023-Haiyang-2D_data_assessment_and_performance_for_potential_assimilation_into_DUACS_and_CMEMS_products.pdf (pdf, 1181 ko)
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