Abstract's details
Australian Altimetry: From Precision Sea Level to Near-Real Time Delivery and Applications
Event: 2020 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting (virtual)
Session: Salient results from the 2017-2020 OSTST PIs
Presentation type: Forum only
Here we provide highlights of work undertaken over the OSTST period from 2017-20. This contribution spanned four key work packages:
1) Calibration and Validation – including the continuation of the long-term absolute validation facility in Bass Strait, and further enhancement to span Jason-series, Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B missions.
2) Changes in Mean Sea Level – including the production and interpretation of the GMSL climate data record, validation of altimetry against tide gauges, assessment of systematic error and vertical land motion.
3) Real Time Oceanography and Applications – including the continuation of the Australian real-time multi-mission gridded sea level analysis system, visualisation with other satellite (SST, Chlorophyll, waves) and in-situ data, assimilation into ocean models and outreach to end-users; and
4) Coastal Altimetry and Preparation for SAR Altimetry – including work towards contributing to and undertaking new science with the Sentinel-6 and SWOT missions.
Key highlights from each work package are summarised.
1) Calibration and Validation – including the continuation of the long-term absolute validation facility in Bass Strait, and further enhancement to span Jason-series, Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B missions.
2) Changes in Mean Sea Level – including the production and interpretation of the GMSL climate data record, validation of altimetry against tide gauges, assessment of systematic error and vertical land motion.
3) Real Time Oceanography and Applications – including the continuation of the Australian real-time multi-mission gridded sea level analysis system, visualisation with other satellite (SST, Chlorophyll, waves) and in-situ data, assimilation into ocean models and outreach to end-users; and
4) Coastal Altimetry and Preparation for SAR Altimetry – including work towards contributing to and undertaking new science with the Sentinel-6 and SWOT missions.
Key highlights from each work package are summarised.
Contribution: OSTST2020_Salient_Results_2017_20_Watson_et_al.pdf (pdf, 2080 ko)
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