Abstract's details
Cryosat-2 altimeter performance assessment over ocean
Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record
Presentation type: Oral
Since 2011, Cryosat -2 mission has shown its potential to be a mission of opportunity for oceanography thanks to an ocean Prototype Product (CPP) delivered by CNES and injected in DUACS system. Combined with external atmospheric and geophysical corrections these data enable to demonstrate that the quality of this mission over ocean is indeed of great interest.
For this mission, the potential of innovative SAR mode is obvious, however, LRM (Low Resolution Mode) mode is also of interest. It complements the other satellite altimetry missions, it provides high latitudes coverage as inputs of the SALP/DUACS system, making CryoSat data vital to insure level3 and level4 data quality in near real time.
This study focuses on the LRM data and assesses Cryosat-2 data quality over ocean (using CPP). It quantifies the system performances for the sea level calculation for large and mesoscales... It also includes comparisons to other precise altimetric missions (Envisat and Jason-2), essential to assess data quality, as well as to allow combination of altimeter for applications and operational oceanography purpose. Biases and seamless transitions between LRM and pseudo LRM modes are discussed.
Finally, Crysoat is the first mission to be on its drifting orbit, its data is therefore of great interest because it covers areas where altimetric mission were never injected in the Mean Sea Surface but to be optimal, their selection must be tuned carefully. It also addresses the solutions developed to get a dedicated editing of those new data at high latitude (where the absence of radiometer prevents from having a robust ice flag into the products) and near coasts (where the MSS is not a sufficient reference to select the most relevant points).
For this mission, the potential of innovative SAR mode is obvious, however, LRM (Low Resolution Mode) mode is also of interest. It complements the other satellite altimetry missions, it provides high latitudes coverage as inputs of the SALP/DUACS system, making CryoSat data vital to insure level3 and level4 data quality in near real time.
This study focuses on the LRM data and assesses Cryosat-2 data quality over ocean (using CPP). It quantifies the system performances for the sea level calculation for large and mesoscales... It also includes comparisons to other precise altimetric missions (Envisat and Jason-2), essential to assess data quality, as well as to allow combination of altimeter for applications and operational oceanography purpose. Biases and seamless transitions between LRM and pseudo LRM modes are discussed.
Finally, Crysoat is the first mission to be on its drifting orbit, its data is therefore of great interest because it covers areas where altimetric mission were never injected in the Mean Sea Surface but to be optimal, their selection must be tuned carefully. It also addresses the solutions developed to get a dedicated editing of those new data at high latitude (where the absence of radiometer prevents from having a robust ice flag into the products) and near coasts (where the MSS is not a sufficient reference to select the most relevant points).
Contribution: 29Ball1615-7_Pres_PerfoC2_Ollivier.pdf (pdf, 3975 ko)
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