Abstract's details

Engaging the Public in Addressing Climate Change

Patricia Ward (Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, United States)

Event: 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: OSTST Opening Plenary Session

Presentation type: Keynote/invited

Through dramatic images and time-lapse video, Extreme Ice captures the pace of the world’s glaciers melting—and the immediacy of climate change. James Balog and his Extreme Ice Survey team travel to remote regions of the world to capture stunning images of our planet’s rapidly disappearing glaciers. These photographs and time-lapse videos are showcased in Extreme Ice, a temporary exhibit of this visual evidence of climate change in a unique and emotional presentation.

Contribution: OPEN_12_JPL_Presentation_Oct_21_2019_FINAL.pdf (pdf, 8930 ko)

Corresponding author:

Patricia Ward

Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago

United States


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