Abstract's details
Comparisons of Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A and tide gauges
Event: 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record
Presentation type: Oral
As Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A missions have completed more three years of operations, the system drifts in mean sea level can be determined via the global tide gauge network with uncertainties approaching 1 mm/year. Here we extend previously presented work using the combined TOPEX/Jason-1/Jason-2/Jason-3 dataset to estimate the drift in Jason-3. We also examine the drift in Sentinel-3A using comparisons with the gauges by making comparisons for each half cycle (13.5 days) using both SARM and PLRM processing. We will also demonstrate how a combined time series from Sentinel-3A. Using the results from the Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A missions, we discuss our expectations for the monitoring changes in the bias for Sentinel-6/Jason-CS missions.
Contribution: CVL_05_Leuliette.pdf (pdf, 564 ko)
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