Abstract's details

CNES POE-F precise orbit performances for the current altimeter missions

John Moyard (CNES, France)

Alexandre Couhert (CNES, France); Flavien Mercier (CNES, France); Sabine Houry (CNES, France); Hanane Ait Lakbir (CSSI, France); Clément Masson (CSSI, France)

Event: 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Precision Orbit Determination

Presentation type: Oral

Since last year’s OSTST meeting, several altimeter missions started switching from CNES GDR-E to CNES POE-F orbit standard: NASA/CNES Jason-3 in November 2018, the EU Copernicus twin satellites Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B in December 2018, ISRO/CNES Saral/AltiKa in January 2019, and ESA CryoSat-2 in May 2019.
Additionally, their past orbit solutions were reprocessed and made available in February, March, April, and June 2019, respectively, as well as those of the historical TOPEX/Poseidon spacecraft in March 2019.
This paper gives a status of the performances of these updated DORIS+GPS orbits for Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A/B, and DORIS-only orbits for Saral/AltiKa and CryoSat-2, all of them bordering on 5 mm RMS radial orbit accuracies, as seen by independent SLR observations.
Comparisons of these orbit solutions with available external solutions will be shown, as a complement to the SLR validations.
A short overview of the activities led by the CNES POD Group, current advances in POD modeling, anticipated future works, as well as the preliminary performances of the NSOAS HY-2B GPS-only orbits will be presented.

Contribution: POD_01_moyard_2.pdf (pdf, 1943 ko)

Corresponding author:

John Moyard




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