Abstract's details
Latest absolute calibration results for Jason-2 and HY-2 satellites using the Gavdos/Crete permanent calibration facilities.
Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record
Presentation type: Oral
This work presents the latest calibration results for the Jason-2 and the Chinese HY-2 mission conducted at the Gavdos/Crete calibration/validation facilities. Absolute biases for the Jason-2 altimeter will be given for the ascending Pass No.109, as well as for the descending Pass No.18, and based on the GDR-D data products. These values for both orbits will be compared against each other at the same Cal/Val location and setting so that orbit directional errors will be evaluated. Furthermore, the altimeter bias for the Chinese HY-2 satellite will be reported using the CRS1 permanent site in south west Crete, Greece and along the descending HY-2 Pass No. 280, using 20 Hz data and recent S-GDR data products. Wet troposphere and ionosphere delays coming from satellite sensors will be examined against in-situ GNSS measurements. Additionally, altimeter biases as determined by locally developed Mean Sea Surface model, will be presented and compared against the conventional sea-surface calibration results.
Contribution: 29Ball1400-3_Mertikas_OSTST_29_Oct_2014_AAA.pdf (pdf, 5580 ko)
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