Abstract's details
The ESA CCI Knowledge Exchange: explaining climate from space with altimetry and other EO data
Event: 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services
Presentation type: Poster
The ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) is a research programme which aims to realise the full potential of the global Earth Observation archive to generate long-term satellite-derived Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) in support of the UNFCCC and IPCC.
Comprising 23 projects focussed on developing ECV data products across atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial domains , two budget closure projects and a Climate Modelling User Group for product assessment, the CCI programme has advanced understanding of climate science through a large portfolio of results, documentation and scientific publications. The primary aim is to support IPCC assessment reports and make tangible impacts on decision making.
Following the success of the initial phase of the CCI programme (2010-2017), a subsequent phase (2018-2024) is now underway and places a stronger emphasis on knowledge exchange beyond science and policy circles, to increase young people’s awareness of ESA EO in particular by utilising ECV data in example applications of science, in school and university curricula.
Here we present the two existing CCI engagement and outreach tools – the Climate from Space tablet app and the CCI Toolbox – that help to visualise, manipulate and analyse climate observation data; we show examples of their application where the altimetry-derived ECVs (Sea Level and Sea State) are combined with other ECVs (which is facilitated by the adoption of a common data standard within the CCI) to allow the investigation of climate processes.
We then discuss the lessons learned, which are shaping the evolution of knowledge exchange work in the current phase of the CCI; and finally we present our plans to engage the next generation of EO specialists and scientists on the topic of monitoring Climate from Space.
Back to the list of abstractComprising 23 projects focussed on developing ECV data products across atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial domains , two budget closure projects and a Climate Modelling User Group for product assessment, the CCI programme has advanced understanding of climate science through a large portfolio of results, documentation and scientific publications. The primary aim is to support IPCC assessment reports and make tangible impacts on decision making.
Following the success of the initial phase of the CCI programme (2010-2017), a subsequent phase (2018-2024) is now underway and places a stronger emphasis on knowledge exchange beyond science and policy circles, to increase young people’s awareness of ESA EO in particular by utilising ECV data in example applications of science, in school and university curricula.
Here we present the two existing CCI engagement and outreach tools – the Climate from Space tablet app and the CCI Toolbox – that help to visualise, manipulate and analyse climate observation data; we show examples of their application where the altimetry-derived ECVs (Sea Level and Sea State) are combined with other ECVs (which is facilitated by the adoption of a common data standard within the CCI) to allow the investigation of climate processes.
We then discuss the lessons learned, which are shaping the evolution of knowledge exchange work in the current phase of the CCI; and finally we present our plans to engage the next generation of EO specialists and scientists on the topic of monitoring Climate from Space.