Abstract's details

Coastal tides and sea level variations at high latitudes from GNSS-R and satellite altimetry

Ole Baltazar Andersen (Prof, Denmark)

Karina Nielsen (DTU Space, Denmark); Simon Williams (NOC Liverpool, UK); Michael Kern (ESA ESTEC, The Netherlands)

Event: 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Tides, internal tides and high-frequency processes

Presentation type: Poster

The ability to determine ocean tides are still limited in coastal regions due to the limited space-time sampling and ocean tide errors remain the largest source of range error in satellite altimetry today in the coastal zone. SAR altimetry from Cryosat-2 and Sentinel 3A/B is capable of providing altimetry closer to the coast than conventional altimetry and in this presentation we aim at presenting result from the ESA GOCE++ project which looks at the ability to add information about sea level and tides from GPS reflectometry in high latitude regions where tide gauges are sparse and where GPS reflectrometry is a promising alternative to measure sea level close to the GPS stations. We have currently identified some high latitude stations on Greenland where tide gauges are sparse, but where the Danish GNET system of coastal GNSS stations operated and have identified and processed the GNSS data to determine sea level variation. We will present results from these co-located GPS reflectrometry data and Cryosat-2 and Sentinel 3A SAR altimetry with respect to both sea level variations and estimation of the residual tide signal at those locations

Corresponding author:

Ole Baltazar Andersen




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