Abstract's details

An analytical method to propagate errors in the Altimeter system; from space to Earth (orbit, reference frame and mean sea level



Pascal BONNEFOND (Observatoire de paris, SYRTE - GRGS, France); Ngoc Dung LUONG (University of Civil Engineering, Ha Noi, Viet Nam)

Event: 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Precision Orbit Determination

Presentation type: Type Oral

Contribution: PDF file


Simulation studies involving new space geodesy scenarii are strictly necessary today to improve the Earth system, especially on a global scale in view of new challenges related to climate change. From these studies, the propagation of errors (measurements and models) and/or the space and time characterization of their impact in some final geodetic
products is of great interest for Earth sciences, in particular oceanography.
Actually, most studies take the advantage of numerical methods ; they form the background of current error analyses by using the comparison of existing geodetic products (gravity field, mean sea surface, reference frame and orbit) including the variance/covariance information when available.

On the contrary here, the study of the propagation of errors from the satellite orbit to the Earth (reference frame and
mean sea level) is based on some analytical development in which all system of equations are developed at order one.
The first result is to directly provide the wellkown Geographically Correlated Error coming from the orbit (gravity field notably);
the second interest of this approach is to provide also an explicit formulation of these errors, in addition to some measurement
error models (Doppler and range tracking), on a given geodetic site.

The result of such a combination of errors of dynamics and geometrical natures, thus allows us to better identifying their
source. Applications to some altimeter satellite missions, like Jason and Sentinel, are described and errors in the reference
frame serving as a basis for the mean sea level determination are quantified.

Oral presentation show times:

Room Start Date End Date
The Monroe Hub Tue, Oct 22 2019,11:30 Tue, Oct 22 2019,11:45