Abstract's details
RUS: Research and User Support for Sentinel Products
Event: 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services
Presentation type: Type Poster
Contribution: not provided
The Research and User Support (RUS) opened on September 2017 to promote the uptake of Copernicus data, and to support the scaling up of R&D activities with Copernicus and in particular Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-3 data.
RUS adresses the following main issues:
1- Knowledge issues: what can be done with Copernicus data?
2- Technical issues: how to prepare the data and set-up/integrate customised processing chains?,
3- Physical issues: Earth Observation (EO) data storage limitations and processing power needed to exploit the data.
The free solutions provided by RUS to tackle these different issues are:
1- Access to hands-on trainings and webinars on Sentinel data covering various subjects from ocean color to ship detection;
2- Personalized advice and assistance from Sentinel expert team if needed;
3- Access to a powerful computing environment based on scalable virtual machine (up to 40 cores, 256GB RAM and 50TB of storage capacity) with all the necessary tools (software, toolboxes, downloading tools...) for Sentinel data processing already preinstalled.
The RUS service, which is offered at no cost to the user, is available for a large community of users from academic and public institutions, research entities to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).
Access priority to the RUS Service is given to persons working for entities located in countries represented in the European Commission (EC) and participating to Copernicus program.
This presentation will detail the solutions and the benefits RUS can offer to the EO community with a focus on Sentinel-3 altimetry, sea surface temperature and ocean color data.
The RUS Service is funded by the EC, managed by the European Space Agency, and operated by Communications & Systèmes – Systèmes d’Informations (CS SI) and its partners: Serco SPA, Noveltis, Along-Track, and CS Romania.
RUS adresses the following main issues:
1- Knowledge issues: what can be done with Copernicus data?
2- Technical issues: how to prepare the data and set-up/integrate customised processing chains?,
3- Physical issues: Earth Observation (EO) data storage limitations and processing power needed to exploit the data.
The free solutions provided by RUS to tackle these different issues are:
1- Access to hands-on trainings and webinars on Sentinel data covering various subjects from ocean color to ship detection;
2- Personalized advice and assistance from Sentinel expert team if needed;
3- Access to a powerful computing environment based on scalable virtual machine (up to 40 cores, 256GB RAM and 50TB of storage capacity) with all the necessary tools (software, toolboxes, downloading tools...) for Sentinel data processing already preinstalled.
The RUS service, which is offered at no cost to the user, is available for a large community of users from academic and public institutions, research entities to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).
Access priority to the RUS Service is given to persons working for entities located in countries represented in the European Commission (EC) and participating to Copernicus program.
This presentation will detail the solutions and the benefits RUS can offer to the EO community with a focus on Sentinel-3 altimetry, sea surface temperature and ocean color data.
The RUS Service is funded by the EC, managed by the European Space Agency, and operated by Communications & Systèmes – Systèmes d’Informations (CS SI) and its partners: Serco SPA, Noveltis, Along-Track, and CS Romania.