Abstract's details

Reducing the high-frequency noise in Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A SWH data

Ngan Tran (CLS, France)

Pierre Thibaut (CLS, France); Gérald Dibarboure (CNES, France); François Boy (CNES, France); Nicolas Picot (CNES, France); Doug Vandemark (UNH, USA)

Event: 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Instrument Processing: Measurement and Retracking

Presentation type: Oral

Lately, several studies have focused on the high-frequency content of the SSH and its dependence to SWH signal at wavelengths shorter than 100 km [Zaron and DeCarvalho, 2016; Smith et al, 2017; Quartly et al, 2019]. The empirical approaches developed for reducing the high-frequency errors in SSH can also be applied to SWH, with benefits to several applications. We can think about the improved consistency across satellite missions, the provision of smoother wind speed estimation from 2D empirical models or for the potential re-design of the SSB approach [Tran et al, 2016]. This could be also an asset for wave model data assimilation as well as ocean gravity wave dynamics and wave-current interaction studies. This work is one of several related investigations being pursued within the framework of the ESA Sea State CCI project [Passaro et al, 2018].
This presentation will show our results on reducing the high-frequency noise in Jason-3 and Sentinel-3A SWH data. For Jason-3, we evaluate the impact for 2 retrackers (MLE4 and ADAPTIVE). For Sentinel-3A, we show results for both SAR and LR-RMC processings.

Contribution: IPM_06_TRAN_OSTST19.pdf (pdf, 1810 ko)

Corresponding author:

Ngan Tran




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