Abstract's details
Analysis of Second-Order Transverse Structure Functions of Velocity in the Southern Ocean
Event: 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Science III: Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale oceanography
Presentation type: Poster
Transverse structure functions sort transverse velocity differences as a function of separation distance. The slope of the function from small distances to longer distances will change depending on the level of turbulence and sub-mesoscale energy in the velocity field. Here, we compare structure functions computed from along-track TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2, and Jason-3 data throughout the Southern Ocean with acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) data primarily in the Drake Passage. Both are also tested against a new theory that can explain why structure functions and spectra of velocity data change as a function of latitude related to Coriollis force.
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