Abstract's details
Coastally trapped intra-seasonal waves along African coasts: an attempt to estimate their thermal impacts
Event: 2018 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Others (poster only)
Presentation type: Poster
Coastally trapped waves (CTW) circulate along African coasts of the Atlantic at several frequencies, and their intra-seasonal activity has been fairly well documented. Understanding their thermal impact and importance for the intra-seasonal SST variability still requires a quantitative systematic analysis, as well as in-situ continuous measurements. Through the analysis of composites of remotely sensed CTW reaching the main coastal upwelling fronts of Senegal-Mauritania and Angola-Benguela, we evidence a striking phasing of wind and CTW propagating events that prevent to easily deconvolute local and remote forcing of SST. We also present an analysis of a coastal buoy measurements in the Senegalese upwelling front, that allows to reveal CTW impacts over the vertical stratification in this region.
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