Abstract's details

SAR Processing on Demand Service for CryoSat-2 at ESA G-POD

Salvatore Dinardo (SERCO/ESRIN, Italy)

Bruno Lucas (DEIMOS/ESRIN, Portugal); Jérôme Benveniste (ESA/ESRIN, Italy)

Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services

Presentation type: Oral

The scope of this work is to feature the new ESA service (SARvatore) for the exploitation of the CryoSat-2 data, designed and developed entirely by the Altimetry Team at ESRIN EOP-SER (Earth Observation - Exploitation, Research and Development).
The G-POD Service, SARvatore (SAR Versatile Altimetric Toolkit for Ocean Research & Exploitation) for CryoSat-2, is a web platform that provides the capability to process on line and on demand CryoSat-2 SAR data, from L1a (FBR) data products until SAR Level-2 geophysical data products.
The service is based on SARvatore Processor Prototype that has been developed entirely by EOP-SER Altimetry Team (Salvatore Dinardo, Bruno Manuel Lucas, Jerome Benveniste) in ESA-ESRIN.
The Processor will make use of the G-POD (Grid-Processing On Demand) distributed computing platform to deliver timely the output data products.
These output data products are generated in standard NetCDF format (using CF Convention), and they are compatible with BRAT (Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox) and other NetCDF tools.
Along with the NetCDF file, it is provided in output a PostScript picture of the radar data image (Radar Echogram) and a kml file of the satellite pass ground-track.
Using the G-POD graphic interface, it is possible to easily select the geographical area of interest along with the time of interest (based on the Cryosat-2 SAR FBR data products availability in the service's catalogue). After the task submission, it is possible to follow, in real time, the status of the processing task.
As of June 2014, the total amount of FBR data in the service catalogue is over 2 Terabytes (16000 passes) for the first 5 months of 2013. It is expected that before Fall 2014 to have most periods of 2010-2011, and full 2012-2014 (when available)..
The processor prototype is versatile in the sense that the users can customize and adapt the processing, according their specific requirements, setting a list of configurable options. The current list of processing options is expected to be incremented before the end of the year, allowing more even fine-tuning of the state-of-the-art SAMOSA algorithm used in the processing.
In the G-POD web interface, user can enter easily this list of processing options via a series of drop-down menu. The configurable options are divided according to the processing level they refer to (L1b and L2).
The processing service is meant to be used for research & development scopes, supporting the development contracts awarded confronting the deliverables to ESA, on site demonstrations/training to selected users, cross-comparison against third party products (CLS/CNES CPP Products for instance), preparation for the Sentinel-3 mission, publications, etc.
So far, the processing has been designed and optimized for open ocean studies and is fully functional only over this kind of surface but there are plans to augment this processing capacity over coastal zones, inland waters and over land in sight of maximizing the exploitation of the upcoming Sentinel-3 Topographic mission over all surfaces.
The service is open and free of charge: in order to be granted the access to the service, you need to have an EO-SSO account (for EO-SSO registration, go here: https://earth.esa.int/web/guest/general-registration) and afterwards, you need to submit an e-mail to G-POD team (write to eo-gpod@esa.int), requesting the activation of the SARvatore service for your EO-SSO user account.

Contribution: SAR_Processing_on_Demand_Service_for_CryoSat-2_at_ESA_G-POD.pdf (pdf, 2625 ko)

Corresponding author:

Salvatore Dinardo




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