Abstract's details
On the use of Saral/Altika wave data in the upgraded wave model MFWAM : global and regional scale
Event: 2014 SARAL/AltiKa workshop
Session: Oceanography
Presentation type: Type Oral
Contribution: PDF file
Altimetry data play an important role in the operational wave forecasting system of Météo-France. Actually three altimeters (Jason-2, Saral and cryosat-2) are operationnally assimilated into the wave model MFWAM and allow efficient correction of the misfit of the wave forecast from the model. An upgraded version of the wave model MFWAM with improvements issued from the mywave project has been implemented recently. One year run in hindcast mode of the upgraded MFWAM is validated using the Altika wave data. The results show the strong reduction of the bias of significant wave height in southern hemisphere by the upgraded model. The assimilation system is also tested for the upgraded MFWAM. The results will be discussed in this paper with a particular attention to the impact of the assimilation on the ocean-atmosphere coupling parameters (total stress at the sea surface and stokes drift).
Another objective of this paper is to evaluate the assimilation of Saral/Altika wave data in the nested wave model MFWAM for the european coasts with a grid size of 0.1°. Assimilation runs are conducted over winter season 2014 (four months). The correlation model for the optimal interpolation is adjusted for this coastal application. The validation of the results has been performed with data from buoys operated by Meteo-France and altimeter data from Jason-2. Using the altimeter Saral/Altika clearly indicates a significant impact in coastal areas.
Another objective of this paper is to evaluate the assimilation of Saral/Altika wave data in the nested wave model MFWAM for the european coasts with a grid size of 0.1°. Assimilation runs are conducted over winter season 2014 (four months). The correlation model for the optimal interpolation is adjusted for this coastal application. The validation of the results has been performed with data from buoys operated by Meteo-France and altimeter data from Jason-2. Using the altimeter Saral/Altika clearly indicates a significant impact in coastal areas.