Abstract's details

Jason-2 and Jason-3 Near-Real Time Products Latency over the Past Year

Donald Richardson (Columbus Technology, United States)

David Donahue (NOAA, USA)

Event: 2018 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Application development for Operations

Presentation type: Poster

The latency of Jason-2 and Jason-3 near-real time Operational Geophysical Data Records (OGDR) over the past year is examined using timeliness statistics against the requirement that product distribution be less than 3 hours from data collection. Major gaps in the ODGR production will be addressed, as well as periods of large latencies.

Latency calculations have been automated using the ProPro-005 algorithm as outlined in “ALGORITHMS ABOUT JASON-3 TM DATA AVAILABILITY AND OGDR DATA LATENCY, TP4-J0- NT-86- CNES”, 30-Mar-2011 by C. Juan (CNES) and J. Lillibridge (NOAA).

Contribution: Jason-2_OSTM_and_Jason-3_Near-Real_Time_Products_Latency_over_Past_Year_2018_OSTST_Meeting.pdf (pdf, 755 ko)

Corresponding author:

Donald Richardson

Columbus Technology

United States


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