Abstract's details

NOAA's Adopt a Drifter Program

Emily Smith (NOAA/UCAR, United States)

Event: 2018 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services

Presentation type: Oral

NOAA’s Adopt a Drifter program started in 2004 and since then has had over 90 schools around the world participate. The drifters provide real time sea surface temperature and current direction. The classes that participate in this program get to use in situ data in their classrooms for a variety of projects. Schools in the States are partnered with international schools to interact with those students as well. One of the largest benefits of this program is showing students how scientists work across borders. This program shows the potential to grow, but is limited by international partnership. Because this program has been around for a long period, it can be a model for other similar ideas in the altimetry field. The talk will feature lessons learned and best practices.

Contribution: ODS_05_Smith.pdf (pdf, 6904 ko)

Corresponding author:

Emily Smith


United States


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