Abstract's details

The progress and outlook of the international cooperation program on satellite altimeter calibration between China-Greece

Xinghua Zhou (First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration,Qingdao, China)

Lei Yang (First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration,Qingdao, China)

Event: 2018 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record

Presentation type: Poster

Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China, The Crete Technical University of Greece (TUC) and the First Institute of Oceanography SOA of China have cooperated on the satellite altimeter calibration during 2014-2017. The progress and outlook of the program will be introduced in this report. In this program three methods, including the GNSS buoy, transponder and the tide gauge, were used to calibrate the HY-2A as well as international satellite altimeters (Jason-2&3,Saral). The first satellite altimeter HY-2A of China has been calibrated by TUC through the Crete calibration site. With the support of TUC, the first calibration site Qianli Yan of China has been operated. The HY-2A absolute bias from the Qianli Yan site is familiar to the result of the Crete site. Through the Qianli Yan site, the SSH absolute bias of the Jason-2&3 and Saral satellite altimeters were obtained continuously. At present another calibration site named DanGan is considered to be established in the South China Sea. In the future the Qianli Yan and DanGan sites will provide calibration results for the international satellite altimeters.

Corresponding author:

Xinghua Zhou

First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration,Qingdao



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