Abstract's details
AltiHydroLab.fr: A new venture project about hydrology and rivers monitoring from space!
Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Science Results from Satellite Altimetry: Inland waters (multi-mission and long-term monitoring)
Presentation type: Type Poster
Contribution: PDF file
AltiHydroLab.fr is a new venture project about hydrology and
rivers monitoring from space.
AltiHydroLab.fr has two main objectives:
(1) To contribute to the design of a solid, automated, state of the
art and worldwide database of 30 years of river water level derived
from nadir satellite altimetry. The goal is to get it available
around the launch of the Swot mission. Such long time series will
begin to have a significant meaning regarding climate change.
(2) To contribute to, and support, the development of SAR and SARin
nadir altimetry applications for hydrology. SAR is the measurement
mode of the forthcoming Sentinel-3 and Jason-CS satellites. Its
potential in hydrology has already been explored and is really
promising. SARin, exclusive to Cryosat-2, gives a unique opportunity
to study swath processing before the launch of the Swot mission.
To support such ambitious objectives, AltiHydroLab.fr develops
methods, provides expertise and validation services typically ranging
from level-1b to level-2 products and beyond (so called alti-hydro
products). We have a growing interest about processing steps beyond
level-1b, and the experimental tunning of SAR processing chains
(Doppler beam steering, multi-look matrices, etc.).
AltiHydroLab.fr has a strong, 10 years old, background experience
related to validation exercises (Lisbon 2010, Venice 2012) and to the
assessment and improvement of innovative products (Pistach, CPPv13,
CNES/retracking, River and Lake, etc.).
AltiHydroLab.fr develops automated processing methods to build
high-quality, multi-mission, river water level time series derived
from satellite altimetry (LRM, SAR, SARin), for both repetitive and
drifting orbit mission phases.
AltiHydroLab.fr develops quality assessment and validation methods to
perform the real-time monitoring of satellite measurements
AltiHydroLab.fr proposes software development services related to
automated processings, chains prototypes, traceability and archiving.
AltiHydroLab.fr also has a growing interest regarding Sea Ice
waveforms analysis on leads/ice transitions since research questions
are very similar to those about rivers/banks transitions.
rivers monitoring from space.
AltiHydroLab.fr has two main objectives:
(1) To contribute to the design of a solid, automated, state of the
art and worldwide database of 30 years of river water level derived
from nadir satellite altimetry. The goal is to get it available
around the launch of the Swot mission. Such long time series will
begin to have a significant meaning regarding climate change.
(2) To contribute to, and support, the development of SAR and SARin
nadir altimetry applications for hydrology. SAR is the measurement
mode of the forthcoming Sentinel-3 and Jason-CS satellites. Its
potential in hydrology has already been explored and is really
promising. SARin, exclusive to Cryosat-2, gives a unique opportunity
to study swath processing before the launch of the Swot mission.
To support such ambitious objectives, AltiHydroLab.fr develops
methods, provides expertise and validation services typically ranging
from level-1b to level-2 products and beyond (so called alti-hydro
products). We have a growing interest about processing steps beyond
level-1b, and the experimental tunning of SAR processing chains
(Doppler beam steering, multi-look matrices, etc.).
AltiHydroLab.fr has a strong, 10 years old, background experience
related to validation exercises (Lisbon 2010, Venice 2012) and to the
assessment and improvement of innovative products (Pistach, CPPv13,
CNES/retracking, River and Lake, etc.).
AltiHydroLab.fr develops automated processing methods to build
high-quality, multi-mission, river water level time series derived
from satellite altimetry (LRM, SAR, SARin), for both repetitive and
drifting orbit mission phases.
AltiHydroLab.fr develops quality assessment and validation methods to
perform the real-time monitoring of satellite measurements
AltiHydroLab.fr proposes software development services related to
automated processings, chains prototypes, traceability and archiving.
AltiHydroLab.fr also has a growing interest regarding Sea Ice
waveforms analysis on leads/ice transitions since research questions
are very similar to those about rivers/banks transitions.