Abstract's details
Wet Tropospheric Correction dedicated to hydrological and coastal applications
Event: 2017 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Advances in coastal altimetry: measurement techniques, science applications and synergy with in situ and models
Presentation type: Poster
The Sentinel-3A Surface Topography Mission has been launched on February 2016 and is now in its second year of operation. Its objectives are to serve primarily the marine operational users but also allow the monitoring of sea ice and land ice, as well as inland water surfaces.
A two-channels microwave radiometer (23.8 and 36.5 GHz) similar to the Envisat and ERS MWR sensors is combined to the altimeter in order to correct the altimeter range for the excess path delay (WTC for wet tropospheric correction) resulting from the presence of water vapor in the troposphere.
Over ocean, the most up-to-date algorithm for WTC retrieval in the Sentinel-3A products is based on simulated parameters (brightness temperatures (TB) and altimeter backscattering coefficient) and neural networks.
For coastal areas, due to the land contamination on TB pixels, the wet tropospheric correction is impacted from 25 km up to the shoreline. A new empirical approach based on measurements instead of simulations and using additional information on land proportion in the Field Of View has been developed.
We will present here an assessment of the S3A MWR performances using this innovative technique over the Issy-Kul lake and over coastal areas.
A two-channels microwave radiometer (23.8 and 36.5 GHz) similar to the Envisat and ERS MWR sensors is combined to the altimeter in order to correct the altimeter range for the excess path delay (WTC for wet tropospheric correction) resulting from the presence of water vapor in the troposphere.
Over ocean, the most up-to-date algorithm for WTC retrieval in the Sentinel-3A products is based on simulated parameters (brightness temperatures (TB) and altimeter backscattering coefficient) and neural networks.
For coastal areas, due to the land contamination on TB pixels, the wet tropospheric correction is impacted from 25 km up to the shoreline. A new empirical approach based on measurements instead of simulations and using additional information on land proportion in the Field Of View has been developed.
We will present here an assessment of the S3A MWR performances using this innovative technique over the Issy-Kul lake and over coastal areas.
Contribution: OSTST-2017_PICARD_NewCoastalNN_POSTER.pdf (pdf, 1327 ko)
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