Abstract's details
Long-range correlations in altimetric sea level anomaly associated with long-living mesoscale eddies
Event: 2017 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Science III: Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale oceanography
Presentation type: Poster
In this study we analyze the effects of mesoscale eddies on the statistics of sea level anomaly (SLA), measured by satellite altimeters. The recent discovery of long-living eddies suggests significant correlations on larger spatiotemporal scales than was assumed in the production of gridded SLA products.
We verify this effect by demonstrating that the energy of SLA signal in the gridded AVISO product is systematically higher in proximity to satellite tracks both in space and time.
Chelton’s eddy dataset was used to calibrate filters, which were then used to extract eddy-scale signals from along-track SLA data. These series were used to calculate spatiotemporal correlations and to characterize propagation speed as well as temporal and spatial decorrelation scales in the Eulerian framework.
The resulting eddy statistics are discussed in different parts of the North Pacific and compared with other available eddy products.
We verify this effect by demonstrating that the energy of SLA signal in the gridded AVISO product is systematically higher in proximity to satellite tracks both in space and time.
Chelton’s eddy dataset was used to calibrate filters, which were then used to extract eddy-scale signals from along-track SLA data. These series were used to calculate spatiotemporal correlations and to characterize propagation speed as well as temporal and spatial decorrelation scales in the Eulerian framework.
The resulting eddy statistics are discussed in different parts of the North Pacific and compared with other available eddy products.
Contribution: Long-Range_Correlations_In_Altimertic_Sea_Level_Anomaly.pdf (pdf, 1916 ko)
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