Abstract's details
NOAA Scientific Data Stewardship for Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/Jason-2 and Jason-3 Products
Event: 2017 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services
Presentation type: Poster
In its role as the US archive for oceanographic, geophysical and meteorological data, the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) provides scientific data stewardship including near real-time and delayed-mode product distribution, rigorous archive services, custom products, and long-term data stewardship for the Ocean Surface Topography Mission (OSTM)/Jason-2 and Jason-3 products. NCEI’s basic services for OSTM/Jason-2 and Jason-3 could be outlined as the followings:
1) Primary Datasets: Within the past few years, NCEI has instituted a mirror service, replicating all level-2 Geophysical Data Records (GDRs) directly from NOAA's Data Distribution Service (DDS). This has reduced the latency of providing the operational GDRs to the public to under an hour. All operation, interim and final GDRs from Jason-2/OSTM and Jason-3 have been provided to public through ftp, http, OPeNDAP, and THREDDS servers.
2) Enhanced Data Rich Inventory (RI): Data quality monitoring for the OSTM/Jason-2 and Jason-3 final and interim GDRs is provided on a per-pass basis. The data quality assurance (QA) descriptive statistics are computed at the time of the data file being ingested into the archive. Visualizations of the QA statistics are publicly accessible through the NCEI Jason data quality monitoring website
3) Derived products: Our data quality monitoring system also automatically generates quick-look cycle-mean (~10 days) on 3.0°x1.0° and 0.25°x0.25° (longitude/latitude) grids for the monitored level-2 final and interim GDRs variables including sea surface height anomaly and significant wave height. The NetCDF formatted datasets and real-time visualization are accessible through the NCEI Jason archive homepage.
4) Data Archive Reconcile between NOAA/CLASS and AVISO/SIPAD: This monthly comparison of the data files archived in CLASS and SIPAD, and the re-ingest of the missing files if any, ensures all the OSTM/Jason-2 and Jason-3 products have been successfully archived identically in the two official products archive centers.
The progress and update of NCEI OSTM/Jason-2 and Jason-3 data archive and distribution services and users’ access statistics information in the last year will also be reported in the presentation.
1) Primary Datasets: Within the past few years, NCEI has instituted a mirror service, replicating all level-2 Geophysical Data Records (GDRs) directly from NOAA's Data Distribution Service (DDS). This has reduced the latency of providing the operational GDRs to the public to under an hour. All operation, interim and final GDRs from Jason-2/OSTM and Jason-3 have been provided to public through ftp, http, OPeNDAP, and THREDDS servers.
2) Enhanced Data Rich Inventory (RI): Data quality monitoring for the OSTM/Jason-2 and Jason-3 final and interim GDRs is provided on a per-pass basis. The data quality assurance (QA) descriptive statistics are computed at the time of the data file being ingested into the archive. Visualizations of the QA statistics are publicly accessible through the NCEI Jason data quality monitoring website
3) Derived products: Our data quality monitoring system also automatically generates quick-look cycle-mean (~10 days) on 3.0°x1.0° and 0.25°x0.25° (longitude/latitude) grids for the monitored level-2 final and interim GDRs variables including sea surface height anomaly and significant wave height. The NetCDF formatted datasets and real-time visualization are accessible through the NCEI Jason archive homepage.
4) Data Archive Reconcile between NOAA/CLASS and AVISO/SIPAD: This monthly comparison of the data files archived in CLASS and SIPAD, and the re-ingest of the missing files if any, ensures all the OSTM/Jason-2 and Jason-3 products have been successfully archived identically in the two official products archive centers.
The progress and update of NCEI OSTM/Jason-2 and Jason-3 data archive and distribution services and users’ access statistics information in the last year will also be reported in the presentation.
Contribution: Poster_2017_OSTST_Meeting_Yongsheng_Zhang_NOAA.pdf (pdf, 755 ko)
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