Abstract's details

24 year mesoscale eddy trajectory atlas on AVISO

Antoine Delepoulle (CLS, France)

Michael Schlax (OSU, USA); Dudley Chelton (OSU, USA); Yannice Faugere (CLS, France); Gerald Dibarboure (CNES, France)

Event: 2017 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Science III: Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale oceanography

Presentation type: Poster

A new “Mesoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas" was released in July 2017 on the Aviso altimetry portal. This dataset was produced and validated by CLS in collaboration with D. Chelton and M. Schlax from Oregon State University. It replaces the dataset formerly produced and distributed at OSU, and is now run and regularly updated by the SSALTO/DUACS team.

The current version of the eddy atlas was produced from 24 years of daily altimetry maps of SSH based on sampling by two satellites. In addition to the locations of the detected eddies along their trajectories, the atlas includes additional information about the amplitude, rotational speed, radius, and eddy type (cyclonic/anticyclonic). The file format is derived from the NetCDF format formerly used by OSU.

This poster will summarize the methodology and the improvements added in this new version of the eddy dataset, and will describe the associated assessment results, including the impacts with respect to previous releases.

Contribution: OSTST2017_DUACS_eddy_aviso.pdf (pdf, 9319 ko)

Corresponding author:

Antoine Delepoulle




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