Abstract's details
SAR-RDSAR: A new Service on G-POD for SAR and RDSAR Products
Event: 2017 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services
Presentation type: Poster
The service SAR-RDSAR has been primarily developed as an offline processor prototype under the working title “PLRM FBR processor for CryoSat-2 at TU Darmstadt”. The PLRM products were intended to serve as a reference solution to validate the SARvatore G-POD service in SAR mode and to support teaching at TU Darmstadt. Recently this processor prototype has been enhanced to produce RDSAR data in coastal zone and SAR L1B and L2 data co-located to RDSAR. Various processing options have been implemented.
To allow open access of the processor results the processor is run through the ESA’s G-POD service. Currently only the RDSAR processor for open ocean CryoSat-2 data is available to registered users. SAR processing will be available after final testing as well. Further options for the extension of the processing to coastal zone and to Sentinel-3 data are foreseen.
This contribution gives a brief introduction of both the applied SAR-RDSAR algorithms and of their particular features. Further on examples and results are given to show their quality and performance in comparison to publicly available SAR and RDSAR data from other processors.
To allow open access of the processor results the processor is run through the ESA’s G-POD service. Currently only the RDSAR processor for open ocean CryoSat-2 data is available to registered users. SAR processing will be available after final testing as well. Further options for the extension of the processing to coastal zone and to Sentinel-3 data are foreseen.
This contribution gives a brief introduction of both the applied SAR-RDSAR algorithms and of their particular features. Further on examples and results are given to show their quality and performance in comparison to publicly available SAR and RDSAR data from other processors.
Contribution: PSGD_Buchhaupt_OSTST2017_Portrait.pdf (pdf, 1713 ko)
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