Abstract's details

Evaluating SARAL/AltiKa against Cryosat-2 and ENVISAT over inland water bodies

Ole Baltazar Andersen (Dr, Denmark)

Heidi Villadsen (Ph.d., Denmark); Karina Nielsen (Dr, Denmark); Per Knudsen (DTU Space, Denmark)

Event: 2014 SARAL/AltiKa workshop

Session: Inland Waters (contributions involving specifically SARAL/AltiKa)

Presentation type: Oral

The availability of the new cooperative altimetry technology mission of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and CNES (Space Agency of France) called SARAL/AltiKa provides new altimetric observations for bothe the blobal ocean but also for inland waters.
In this presentation we have performed an initial evaluated of the SARAL/ALtiKA observations over a number of large lakes and rivers throughout the world and compared these with both ENVISAT altimetry over the 2002-2010 period along the identical ground-tracks. Assuming that the inland water bodies are roughly level we can also compare the data with the Cryosat-2 data which operate over a fundamentally different ground track pattern. However the data from Cryosat-2 are contemporary and highly accurate as the first investigations have demonstrated (Villadsen et al., 2014).
Among larger lakes we have used the Swedish lakes (Vanern and Wattern) and other global lakes. To test the capabilities for retrieving lake levels in smaller lake that we have included the Arresø in Denmark. With its less than 15 sq miles and observations from both Cryosat-2, Envisat and SARAL/AltiKA it demonstrate the capability of the new Ka band radar for retrieving lake levels.

Contribution: 27Ball1645-3_SARAL-Inland-Andersen.pdf (pdf, 3041 ko)

Corresponding author:

Ole Baltazar Andersen




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