Abstract's details

Eddy detection, spectral, and tide gage evaluation of JPL Gridded Altimetry.

Victor Zlotnicki (Jet Propulsion Lab, United States)

Zheng Qu (Raytheon, USA); Richard Ray (NASA-GSFC, USA); Joshua Willis (JPL, USA); Brian Beckley (SGT-NASA-GSFC, USA)

Event: 2017 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Quantifying Errors and Uncertainties in Altimetry data

Presentation type: Poster

A new version of the JPL grids generated under NASA’s “Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments” (MEaSUREs) program has been released; it is dubbed v1709. We use the Goddard Space Flight Center version 4 of the alongtrack data from the TOPEX/Jason series of altimeters, RADS versions of the ERS/Envisat/AltiKa series using ESA’s CCI orbital altitudes when available. Grids are constructed from only 2 concurrent satellites. We have conducted a series of quality tests on the grids, and compared them to the corresponding AVISO grids. We present results in terms of eddy identification, root mean squared difference from a select set of tide gage records, and spectral difference from Jason-2 data not used in the gridding.

Corresponding author:

Victor Zlotnicki

Jet Propulsion Lab

United States


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