Abstract's details


Jérôme Benveniste (ESA-ESRIN, Italy)

Salvatore Dinardo (He Space/EUMETSAT, Germany); Giovanni Sabatino (Progressive Systems Rhea/ESRIN, Italy); Marco Restano (SERCO/ESRIN, Italy); Américo Ambrózio (DEIMOS/ESRIN, Italy)

Event: 2017 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services

Presentation type: Poster

The scope of this presentation is to feature the ESA-ESRIN G-POD SARvatore service to users for the exploitation of the CryoSat-2 and Sentinel-3 data, which was designed and developed by the Altimetry Team at ESA-ESRIN, Earth Observation Science Data Application Division.

SARvatore (SAR Versatile Altimetric Toolkits for Ocean Research & Exploitation) is a SAR and SARin altimeter data processing on demand service available on the ESA-RSS processing platform (G-POD), recently extended beyond the “Ocean” in its original acronym to Coastal Zone, Sea-Ice, Ice Sheets and Inland Water. It allows users to process, on line and on demand, low-level CryoSat-2 and Sentinel-3 Altimetry data products (FBR, Level 1A) in SAR mode up to Level-2 geophysical products with self-customized options (not available in the default processing chains of CryoSat-2 and Sentinel-3 Ground Segments), exploiting all the capabilities of modern grid computing.

The SAR Versatile Altimetric Toolkit for Ocean Research & Exploitation (SARvatore) takes advantage of the G-POD (Grid Processing On Demand) distributed computing platform to timely deliver custom-processed data products and to interface with ESA-ESRIN FBR data archive, which currently houses around 200 TB of CryoSat-2 (SAR and SARin) and Sentinel-3 (SAR) data. The output data products are generated in standard NetCDF format (using CF Convention), therefore being compatible with the Broadview Radar Altimetry Toolbox (BRAT) and other similar data visualisation and manipulation tools. By using the G-POD graphical interface, data products included in the catalogue can be selected for specific geographical areas and time periods. The processor prototype is versatile, allowing users to customise and adapt the processing according to their specific needs by setting a list of configurable options. These also include the generation of experimental SAR data products, such as L1B Stack data and Range Integrated Power (RIP) waveforms, and can be augmented upon user request. After the task submission, users can also follow, in real time, the status of the processing.

The processing service, which started as an internal tool to support ESA R&D contracts, is now open to the worldwide SAR Altimetry Community for R&D experiments, on-site demonstrations in training courses and workshops, cross-comparison to third party products (e.g. CLS/CNES CPP or ESA SAR COP data products), and for the exploitation of the Sentinel-3 Surface Topography Mission data. Tutorial documents are linked to within the SARvatore.

Initially, the processing was designed and uniquely optimised for open ocean studies. It adopted the SAMOSA2 and SAMOSA3 retrackers developed during ESA's SAMOSA and CP4O projects exploiting CryoSat-2 data. However, since June 2015, a new retracker (SAMOSA+) has been included in the service as a dedicated retracker for coastal zone, inland water and sea-ice/ice-sheet scenarios. In view of the Sentinel-3 data exploitation, a new flavour of the service has been initiated, exclusively dedicated to the processing of Sentinel-3 mission data products. The scope of this new service is to maximize the exploitation of the Sentinel-3 Surface Topography Mission data over all surfaces, allowing users to benefit from advanced processing strategies not yet adopted in the production of official Sentinel-3 products. In June 2017, a trial with a select group of users was started. Once completed, the G-POD SARvatore for Sentinel-3 service will be open to the worldwide community.

The service, supported by the ESA EO R&D Programme, is open, free of charge for worldwide scientific applications and available at:

For further information:

Corresponding author:

Jérôme Benveniste




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