Abstract's details
High frequency corrections for altimetry: what are foreseen evolutions for the future
Event: 2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Tides, internal tides and high-frequency processes
Presentation type: Type Oral
Contribution: PDF file
High frequency de-aliasing corrections have been settled and operational for many years now. Continuous improvements were made upon seamless evolutions of well controlled and robust approaches. The forthcoming SWOT mission has triggered new needs, including the challenging question of internal tides surface signature, that could also profit to nadir altimetry. It is an opportunity to re-examin the design of the high frequency simulation and data assimilation systems. Beside new corrections (internal tides), many former choices and omissions could be reconsider for the next generation of altimetry mission. Among new options could be found using non-tidal loading and ocean wave model-derived wind stress instead of bulk formulae in DAC simulations, 3D tidal modelling and data assimilation, tremendous increase of DAC and tidal grid resolution in shelf and coastal seas with specifically along-shore margins details improvements (for a comprehensive coverage of coastal waters and implementation of wave setup contribution on sea level). Potential improvements of existing systems, implementation of new ones and practical operability for both will discussed.