Abstract's details

The Online Data Extraction Service (ODES): great new features and attractive products

Emilie Bronner (CNES, France)


Clara Nicolas (CNES, France); Guillaume Valladeau (CLS, France); Nicolas Granier (CLS, France); Eric Darmigny (THALES Services, France); Anita Alihoussen (THALES Services, France)

Event: 2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services

Presentation type: Type Oral

Contribution: PDF file


Altimetry users have a wide variety of needs ranging from research to operational applications. Standards datasets provide a robust base to meet most of them but research-grade algorithms and corrections are not easily accessible to the general audience. Similarly, classical distribution channels make it difficult to provide ad-hoc datasets in a convenient way especially when product size and bandwidth are a concern.

Constantly seeking to address its users’ needs, AVISO+ proposes new features and products for its dissemination service called ODES (Online Data Extraction Service) in order to provide users and applications with a wider range of altimetry-derived data and services. This new release is planned for the second half of 2016.

The platform is designed to distribute both operational products but also research-grade products including high-resolution. The ODES system provides flexible interfaces and an ad-hoc response. To illustrate, ODES users can use a user-friendly web interface to download along-track altimetry data only over their area of interest, choose their period of interest, limit the parameters and variables they wish to download (e.g. select only significant wave height-related variables) and apply threshold criteria. Most features aim at streamlining the data acquisition in an intuitive way.

The extraction service is also "on-the-fly", with no delay nor cache necessary, so that users can immediately begin their downloading. Lastly the ordering and downloading process can be automated and scripted for operational users with a custom and ad-hoc environment containing only the products they want.

New features proposed by the end of 2016 will be favorite searches, à la carte subscription service and finally access to permalink to share requests.

Jason-1 GDR-E reprocessed products, Jason-3 PEACHI products, ERS-2 X-track products will be soon available and of course, there will be updates of classic Enhanced GDR, PEACHI and CorSSH products.

ODES is available at the following address: http://odes.altimetry.cnes.fr.

Oral presentation show times:

Room Start Date End Date
Richelieu Tue, Nov 01 2016,16:35 Tue, Nov 01 2016,16:55
Emilie Bronner