Abstract's details
ODES (Online Data Extraction Service) for coastal studies
Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Science Results from Satellite Altimetry: Finer scale ocean processes (mesoscale and coastal)
Presentation type: Poster
AVISO+ proposes a new dissemination service, the Online Data Extraction Service (ODES), in order to provide users and applications with a wider range of altimetry-derived data (including high-resolution and experimental data). The platform is designed to distribute both operational products from CNES and partner Agencies (Eumetsat, ESA, NOAA, NASA) but also research-grade data from LEGOS/CTOH and CLS and other contributions from the OSTST research community.
An example of the use of ODES to extract X-Track coastal data (from CTOH/Legos) for coastal studies will be shown.
ODES is available at http://odes.altimetry.cnes.fr, download with your Aviso FTP login / password.
An example of the use of ODES to extract X-Track coastal data (from CTOH/Legos) for coastal studies will be shown.
ODES is available at http://odes.altimetry.cnes.fr, download with your Aviso FTP login / password.
Contribution: Aviso_Online_Data_Extraction_Service_coastal.pdf (pdf, 2401 ko)
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