Abstract's details

Dynamic interpolation of Sea Surface Height from the present 6-satellite constellation: reconstruction of the Gulf Stream eddies and comparisons with objective mapping

Clement Ubelmann (CLS, France)


Yannice Faugere (CLS, France); Gérald Dibarboure (CLS, France)

Event: 2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: Science II: From large-scale oceanography to coastal and shelf processes

Presentation type: Type Poster

Contribution: PDF file


The dynamic interpolation (Ubelmann et al., 2016) was shown as a possible approach between objective mapping and data assimilation in primitive equation models to map the Ocean dynamic topography from altimeter data. Based on a covariance propagator using the conservation of potential vorticity, it allows to keep on strong constraint on the observed surface field while accounting for some predictable non-linear dynamics driving the eddy motions at first order.

In this study, we apply the dynamic interpolation method to reconstruct the Gulf Stream topography of the last two years, with a constellation of up to 6 altimeters. Some comparisons with objective mapping from Aviso fields will be presented, and validated with independent satellite data through RMS of differences and spectral coherence. The resolving capabilities will be discussed.

Poster show times:

Room Start Date End Date
Grande Halle Thu, Nov 03 2016,11:00 Thu, Nov 03 2016,18:00
Clement Ubelmann