Abstract's details
Getting ready for CMEMS 2018 reprocessing. L2P database for 70 years of data and 10 missions
Event: 2016 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Others (poster only)
Presentation type: Type Poster
Contribution: not provided
Getting ready for CMEMS 2018 reprocessing. L2P database for 70 years of data and 10 missions
M. Guibbaud1, A.Ollivier1
Yannice Faugère1, Jean-Damien Desjonqueres2
1CLS, Toulouse, France, mguibbaud@cls.fr
2CNES, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse, France
The European Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) provides Full, Free and Open Access to Data & Information related to the Global Ocean. Thanks to CNES-SALP contract, CLS is in charge of the validation of products up to Level 2 and, for delayed time, also provides a L2P dataset to the community. Easy to ingest in CMEMS processing chains, these products are also ergonomic products dedicated to non experts altimetry users. Indeed, they consist of a field of corrected Sea Level Anomaly, built with the best terms (orbit, range, instrumental and geophysical corrections…) available at a given time and validated.
To continually refine these products and the estimation of this valid Sea Level Anomaly, historical altimetric databases need to be analyzed and enriched by new processings or algorithms. Preparation of 2018 CMEMS reprocessing begins with the update of L2P products. Innovative processing and most recent altimetric standards were analyzed and selected, in order to build an optimized “L2P” most recent database.
This reference database is available for ten missions (Topex/Poseïdon, GFO, ERS-1 & 2, Envisat, Jason-1 & 2, Saral/Altika, HY-2A and Cryosat-2), which represents more than sixty years of cumulated altimetric data. To ensure consistency of Sea Level Anomaly estimation, new altimetric standards were selected for all the missions, such as new GDR standards, latest orbit standards, optimized ocean tide model or CNES/CLS 2015 Mean Sea Surface solution. Each altimetric mission is considered with its own particularities too, which is a guarantee of quality for a precise estimation of mono mission SLA.
The purpose of this analysis is to detail the choices made for L2P SLA computation, for each altimetric mission, in terms of geophysical components and corrections. The important step of selection of ocean data will be presented too, notably the coastal strategy which represents a great improvement for precise SLA estimation.
The development of this turnkey database represents an important work but can be considered as a reference for monomission and multimissions SLA computation, directly usable for products generation.
M. Guibbaud1, A.Ollivier1
Yannice Faugère1, Jean-Damien Desjonqueres2
1CLS, Toulouse, France, mguibbaud@cls.fr
2CNES, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse, France
The European Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) provides Full, Free and Open Access to Data & Information related to the Global Ocean. Thanks to CNES-SALP contract, CLS is in charge of the validation of products up to Level 2 and, for delayed time, also provides a L2P dataset to the community. Easy to ingest in CMEMS processing chains, these products are also ergonomic products dedicated to non experts altimetry users. Indeed, they consist of a field of corrected Sea Level Anomaly, built with the best terms (orbit, range, instrumental and geophysical corrections…) available at a given time and validated.
To continually refine these products and the estimation of this valid Sea Level Anomaly, historical altimetric databases need to be analyzed and enriched by new processings or algorithms. Preparation of 2018 CMEMS reprocessing begins with the update of L2P products. Innovative processing and most recent altimetric standards were analyzed and selected, in order to build an optimized “L2P” most recent database.
This reference database is available for ten missions (Topex/Poseïdon, GFO, ERS-1 & 2, Envisat, Jason-1 & 2, Saral/Altika, HY-2A and Cryosat-2), which represents more than sixty years of cumulated altimetric data. To ensure consistency of Sea Level Anomaly estimation, new altimetric standards were selected for all the missions, such as new GDR standards, latest orbit standards, optimized ocean tide model or CNES/CLS 2015 Mean Sea Surface solution. Each altimetric mission is considered with its own particularities too, which is a guarantee of quality for a precise estimation of mono mission SLA.
The purpose of this analysis is to detail the choices made for L2P SLA computation, for each altimetric mission, in terms of geophysical components and corrections. The important step of selection of ocean data will be presented too, notably the coastal strategy which represents a great improvement for precise SLA estimation.
The development of this turnkey database represents an important work but can be considered as a reference for monomission and multimissions SLA computation, directly usable for products generation.