Abstract's details

ODES (Online Data Extraction Service) for cryosphere studies

Vinca Rosmorduc (CLS, France)


Florence Birol (LEGOS, France); Frederic Briol (CLS, France); Emilie Bronner (CNES, France); Gérald Dibarboure (CLS, France); Thierry Guinle (CNES, France); Clara Nicolas (CNES, France); Fernando Niño (CTOH / LEGOS, France); Guillaume Valladeau (CLS, France)

Event: 2014 SARAL/AltiKa workshop

Session: Land ice and Sea ice

Presentation type: Type Poster

Contribution: PDF file


AVISO+ proposes a new dissemination service, the Online Data Extraction Service (ODES), in order to provide users and applications with a wider range of altimetry-derived data (including high-resolution and experimental data). The platform is designed to distribute both operational products from CNES and partner Agencies (Eumetsat, ESA, NOAA, NASA) but also research-grade data from LEGOS/CTOH and CLS and other contributions from the OSTST research community.

An example of the use of ODES to extract AltiKa experimental expert products (from PEACHI prototype) over iced areas will be shown.

ODES is available at http://odes.altimetry.cnes.fr, download with your Aviso FTP login / password.
Vinca Rosmorduc