Abstract's details
Hydroclimatic zonation of the Congo basin based on altimetric series distributed throughout the basin
Event: 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Science Results from Satellite Altimetry: Inland waters (multi-mission and long-term monitoring)
Presentation type: Oral
The lack of observational hydro-climatic data obver the apst decade strongly limited the number of studies in the Congo basin. The large (~150) dataset of water level series gained by altimetry throughout the basin that we present in this tudy brings new lights on the hydrological regimes of various tributaries of the Congo river. A K-means analysis of the series produced a zonation in nine hydro-climatic regions. This grouping is compared to the spatial and temporal distribution of TRMM rainfalls.
Contribution: 28Red1400-4_OSTST_2014_BECKER.pdf (pdf, 8475 ko)
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