Abstract's details

The DTU15 MSS (Mean Sea Surface) and associated MDT (Mean Dynamic Topography) focusing on Arctic issues and development.

Ole Baltazar Andersen (Dr, Denmark)


Gaia Piccioni (DTU Space, Denmark); Per Knudsen (DTU space, Denmark)

Event: 2015 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting

Session: The Geoid, Mean Sea Surfaces and Mean Dynamic Topography

Presentation type: Type Oral

Contribution: PDF file


The DTU15MSS is the latest release of the global high resolution mean sea surface from DTU Space. The major new advance leading up to the release of this DTU15MSS the use of an improved 4 years Cryosat-2 LRM, SAR and SAR-In data record and the downweighting of ICESat data used previously in the Arctic Ocean for DTU10MSS and DTU13MSS.
The presentation will focus on the difficult issues as consolidating Cryosat-2 onto a 20 year mean sea surface derived using multiple satellites (but only at low to medium latitude) as well as the importance of merging Cryosat-2 data from different operating modes like LRM, SAR and SAR-In as these requires different retrackers. Also the importance of downweighting the ICESat data is highlighted.
The first evaluation of the new MSS is performed and comparison with existing MSS models is performed and presented as well.

Oral presentation show times:

Room Start Date End Date
Grand Ballroom 2 Wed, Oct 21 2015,16:45 Wed, Oct 21 2015,17:00
Ole Baltazar Andersen