Abstract's details
Swot on Aviso+: promoting the mission, explaining the technique
Event: 2015 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting
Session: Outreach, Education and Altimetric Data Services
Presentation type: Poster
Swot is the next challenge in the altimetry world. A number of innovations will be brought by this mission, with many changes to be taken into account by current and would-be users.
Aviso+ continues on its mission to promote altimetry and help users by creating a series of pages explaining the missions, its technical aspects, the expected applications, what was done (during the SRD meetings especially), and providing schemes and images to illustrate presentations of the mission.
Hoping to see you soon on www.aviso.altimetry.fr/swot/!
Aviso+ continues on its mission to promote altimetry and help users by creating a series of pages explaining the missions, its technical aspects, the expected applications, what was done (during the SRD meetings especially), and providing schemes and images to illustrate presentations of the mission.
Hoping to see you soon on www.aviso.altimetry.fr/swot/!
Contribution: Swot_on_Aviso.pdf (pdf, 5287 ko)
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